Received too Large SFTP Packet-WinSCP Connection to VCSA failed
Connecting to WinSCP (a tool used to copy files or download files) is a straight forward process but some time things won’t work that easy. I just remember my life for a second…
Anyway when this wont work the way it should work, what we have to do – look deep with a clear eyes for clues
Clues will help, clues will make things easy and if you’re getting an error similar like below while accessing WinSCP, I have a good news for you…
“Received too large (1234567890 B) SFTP Packet…”
This is because during winscp connection to VCSA appliance, part of the operation happens on the target Linux system (vcenter in our case).
I would say it is because of the added security, you need to allow the connection by enabling bash shell on the appliance. To do so ssh to your vCenter appliance and enable bash shell -type "shell" to enable shell -type "chsh -s /bin/bash root" to enable bash
Now you will be able to WinSCP your vCenter appliance
Once after finishing your work, return back or revert back to previous settings by following command
chsh -s /bin/appliancesh root
You solved a big issue.
Remember to celebrate. Cheers